Juggling around the word and in history
A Universal Art!
Everyone is familiar with juggling… but do they know the depth of it? The research collected in this exhibition serves to demonstrate the breadth of the juggler’s creativity. This art, which has been around for thousands of years, has evolved tremendously in the past hundred years.
This exhbition is the result of the work of Olivier Caignart, aka, Olivier Palmer. More information about his skill as a juggler : www.gentlemanjongleur.com
I offer my sincere gratitude to Karl-Heinz Ziethen, Erik Aberg, David Cain, Dominique Denis, and Renaud Gras for their research in juggling history, as well as to the French and European Juggling Associations for their support. The documents gathered here come from diverse sources (available on the website – http://www.jonglerieetjonglages.fr) The photos here are used under the Fair Use act, and are presented as educational materials for classroom use (17 U.S.C. §107).
Translation : The English version could not exist without the great work of Thom Wall, The Vaudeville Sensation. For more information about this great juggler, visit http://thomwall.com/
Enjoy !
A Universal Art!
History of Juggling Props
An art in motion
Paradise on earth
They did it !
Juggling with grace
You can sytill try, though
The most famous jugglers!
Draw me a juggler